Tuesday 19 August 2014

Pay Yourself First!

When I say 'pay yourself first' I am not talking about buying that new pair of shoes, or the latest gadget. The way I like to think of paying yourself is through a me tax; and think of that me tax as being paid to The Government of YOU!

What do you do after you get that money deposited into your bank? Go to the mall? The grocery store? Gas station? You are not alone. 98-99% of Canadians today get their paycheque and immediately go and spend their money on their needs and their wants. Then if there is any money left over, they put their money into some sort of a savings plan. You may remember from my prior post on the first cornerstone of financial planning we talked about two separate people; Person A and Person B. Let's look at these two people again.


Like I just discussed, we can see that Person A receives their paycheque and immediately spends their money on their needs and wants, then if there is any money leftover they then save.

However, Person B is who I strive to get all of my clients to become, it doesn't happen overnight, but through taking baby steps we will be able to move you more and more towards the financially independent Person B.

Every paycheque we are all used to seeing a certain percentage of our income deducted by the wonderful government, after all the other deductions we may have (CPP, EI, benefits etc.) we are finally left with our take home pay. Person B receives their paycheque and immediately takes a percentage off the top (like to government) and deposits it into some sort of a savings plan; this is why we refer to it as a me tax; think of that account as 'The Federal Reserve of You!'. 

The most effective way to set this up is so it is virtually automatic; the timing should be perfect here. What I like to do is set up your withdrawls so that they happen the same day you get paid. That way, the money is deposited, then withdrawn, and you barely even realize it was every there!

So I challenge you, set up a plan to pay yourself first! Better yet, call me and we can set up a rock solid plan! If you are already doing this, great! You one of very few people who are doing this! But where is your money going? Is it truly the best option for you?

If you would like to contact me, please send me a message in the box to the right. You can also reach me at Scott.Loney@Freedom55Financial.com or by phone at (905) 475-0122, ext. 411.

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